Mason's Line - A Detailed Guide

Mason's line is a product used by professional mason's every day. Also known as the mason's twine, it is one of the most important tools that never get enough credit. When using a mason's line, you do not need to use other leveling tools, which speeds up the process. Plus, when used correctly, it gives a straight line for accuracy while laying blocks or bricks. 

In this article, we'll talk about what is a mason's line, how to use it, and everything in between. So, please keep reading to know more about it! 

What is Mason's Line?

Mason line is a product used to make straight lines and a leveled surface. It is useful when laying patios, posts, footings, and more. The product is necessary during such jobs as you will no longer need to pick up the level numerous times. Another excellent part about this twine is that it won't sag like other twines. 

What are the Characteristics of a Good Good Mason Line?

The mason line is a crucial tool to get straight lines. So there are obviously some important things to keep in mind. 

Firstly, the line that you'll be using in laying bricks should be 100% nylon. It won't mildew and will also be less affected by humidity and moisture. The line should also be alkali and abrasion resistant so that it doesn't get damaged by other tools. 

In addition, tight and consistent braiding will make it easy to use the line. Precisely, the tighter the braid, the stronger the mason line

Along with this, the mason line should be consistent in color. It should be clearly visible in all types of work conditions. Remember, nylon lines without a consistent color throughout the roll becomes difficult to use and hard to see. 

When buying a mason line, don't look at it just like any piece of string but as an important tool. So, focusing on the quality and color of the line is crucial. 

How to Use a Mason Line Correctly?

It's essential to use the mason line correctly to get a straight wall. Here are a few easy steps you can follow that will help you in doing the same. 

Step 1 

First of all, you need to brace and level a 2-4 inch corner pole. 

Step 2 

The next thing to do is slip your braided mason's line into the line block's groove. 

Step 3 

Wrap the mason line around the line's notch twice and then slide it into the groove again. 

Step 4 

Now, face the hook of the mason line towards the rear corner of the cement block and hook the line block over the outside of the block. 

Step 5 

Run the line to the next corner. Make sure that your line is taut and close to the block you're laying. At the same time, you should have enough space to wipe off extra mortar without bumping the line. 

Step 6

Now lay your line in a way that the top of the block matches the established line. Follow this line as you lay and slide the line blocks as you build the wall. 

Step 7 

Check the wall periodically with a level to ensure that the work is plumb. 

Final Thoughts

The mason line is indeed an important tool. It saves valuable time as you don't have to use leveling tools often. 

The majority of the bricklayers have experienced unraveling and sagging mason's line while laying bricks. Unfortunately, you could waste valuable time correcting the problems caused by a poor quality mason line. You can prevent this by using a premium quality line. 

Make sure to buy the mason line from a reputed vendor and look for the material and consistency of color to prevent costly mistakes. 

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